
Readings/other media as I come across them from Spring 2020 about COVID-19 and the implications for mobility justice:

Podcast episode:
“Three prominent urban researchers with a focus on infectious diseases explain why political responses to the current coronavirus outbreak require an understanding of urban dynamics. Looking back at the last coronavirus pandemic, the SARS outbreak in 2002/3, they highlight what affected cities have learned from that experience for handling the ongoing crisis. Exploring the political challenges of the current state of exception in Canada, Germany, Singapore and elsewhere, Creighton Connolly, Harris Ali and Roger Keil shed light on the practices of urban solidarity as the key to overcoming the public health threat.”

Tim Cresswell, one of the foundational mobilities scholars, on turbulence as an innate part of mobility. Tim has also shared a slide deck from his Geographies of Mobility course.

The Critical Automobility Studies Lab has a blog with regular updates from scholars around the world (including me!) sharing their thoughts.

A piece from Anne Helen Peterson of Buzzfeed about city residents moving to rural places and the threat they pose, with some great connections to climate change migration, starts here.

A great data visualization from the University of Wisconsin showing how much less we’re moving around in the US.

On Twitter:

Lynda Lopez and Do Lee had a great exchange on Twitter about delivery workers, starting here.

The Untokening has a statement and some possibilities for action based on their recent meeting, starting here.

News articles:
Washington Post 3/29 “The Great American Migration of 2020

New York Times 4/3 “Location Data Says It All: Staying at Home During Coronavirus is a Luxury” (thanks, Junghwan!)

Public Radio International 4/3 “Coronavirus has changed how we transport goods and ourselves. But will it last?